Auxiliary Materials for Notebooks#
These are auxiliary materials to ease notebook reproducibility, preventing the dependence on remote data servers for executing some notebook examples requiring data from outside this repository.
The files you can find here are:
NetCDF files as available through ESGF
NetCDF files storing data which can be accessed from the Santander Meteorology Group UDG-TAP, but are included here for the sake of time. Instructions to create these objects are nevertheless provided in the corresponding notebooks. W5E5_NorthAmerica_pr_1980-2014_yearly.nc4
Images used in the notebooks
geotiff-access-ia.png CMIP5 - Mean temperature (T) Change deg C - Long Term (2081-2100) RCP 8.5 1986-2005 - Annual (mean of 29 models).tiff
Other small data files. E.g. those providing CORDEX domain boundaries or coastline plotting data.
regular-CORDEX-grids.csv WORLD_coastline.dbf WORLD_coastline.prj WORLD_coastline.sbn WORLD_coastline.sbx WORLD_coastline.shp WORLD_coastline.shx